The Girlfriends’ Bible

The "Good Book" for women to live by! The creator of Boyfriend-in-a-Box is back with a book that lays down the law, chapter and verse, for female relationships. Friendship between women is sacred. The Girlfriends’ Bible is filled with hilarious "scriptures" that women can and do live by. What a divine way to tell your…


What They Say and What They Really Mean

Cathy Hamilton calls them exactly as she sees them. Sometimes she’s sharp, sometimes she cuts close to the bone, but always she’s flat-out funny and insightful. Readers can’t help but laugh………even at themselves. Whether focused on motherhood, fatherhood, being a kid, dieting, dating, or friends, Hamilton hits her mark. That signature approach comes through clearly…

Prickly City

  As the American mainstream tilts gradually right, Prickly City takes its place as a humorous voice for the masses. Creator Scott Stantis’ first collection captures the issues and arguments of the George W. Bush political era era from the viewpoint of a little girl and a cute coyote.  Never shy about commenting on sensitive and controversial…

The Little Book of Putting

In The Little Book of Putting PGA teaching professional T.J. Tomasi offers great advice about putting. His putting lessons coupled with detailed line drawings makes this book an essential companion for any golfer looking to improve their stroke.


What He Says and What He Really Means

‘You better not let your mom hear you saying that.’ Translation: I’m too tired to discipline you for a small infraction like a cuss word, especially since you probably learned that word from me. Just don’t try it in front of your mother or we’ll both be sorry!" Cathy Hamilton’s handy reference decodes Dad’s idiomatic…

Who Else but a Father?

Who else but a father would persist, all afternoon, in trying to get a stubborn kite to achieve lift-off, even long after the kids have gone inside to watch TV? -Cathy Hamilton, Who Else but a Father? Fathers are a rare, special breed, prone to over-the-top yet endearing behaviors that set them apart from the…

Ending the Homework Hassle

Homework can be one of the most frustrating of all problem areas for chidlren and parents. In this helpful guide, Rosemond warns against parental interference and demonstrates ways to help children learn to work on their own and to take responsibility for getting the work done themselves.

Toilet Training Without Tantrums

In his 15th parenting book, Toilet Training Without Tantrums, nationally recognized expert John Rosemond lays to rest the notion that potty training must be the complicated, emotionally draining, stressful event it has become for children and parents. Your great-grandmother would be amazed to learn that toilet training has become one of Mom's greatest sources of…

Mom’s the Word

More Momisms

Rule #1 in the parenting handbook: "Keep ’em off guard." Then along comes Cathy Hamilton (a forty-something mother of two, by the way) who blows the whole cover for motherdom. Okay, Mom will still have a trick or two up her sleeve, but Mom’s the Word goes a long way toward giving the "other side"…

La Cuisine Creole

A Collection of Culinary Recipes

 This volume in the American Antiquarian Cookbook Collection, published in New Orleans in 1885, is one of the great classics of Creole cuisine, believed to be the first Creole cookbook in print.  Although it was printed anonymously in 1885, Lafcadio Hearn is generally accepted as the author of La Cuisine Creole. In his introduction, Hearn…

Cómo Tener Hijos Felices y Adaptados

   Padres modernos han hecho creer que los niños requieren una atención constante. Psicólogo John Rosemond sabe que no es cierto. Dr. Rosemond ofrece consejos para sacar lo mejor de cada miembro de la familia con su ‘plan de seis puntos.’ 1. Los padres deben hacer que matrimonio la primera prioridad. 2. Los padres deben esperar…

Cheese & Beer

The booming worlds of artisan cheese and craft beer meet in this first-ever guide, an introduction to two dozen popular craft-beer styles and the cheeses that pair best with them.  Gourmand Awards winner—Beer category, USA."Like a lot of cheese experts, I'm convinced that the ultimate companion to cheese is, and always will be, great craft…