You Deserve a Happy Birthday

Brimming with enthusiasm and bursting with fun, You Deserve a Happy Birthday is the perfect personal gift for a cherished friend. With its vibrant color palette, fanciful illustrations, and lively text, this gift book from Jenna DeAngeles is sure to win the hearts of gift and book buyers alike. DeAngeles has a knack for coming up with me-to-you messages that are both sincere and sincerely clever, like, "You appreciate staring at the stars and running through the sprinkler. . . . You know that the number of birthdays you’ve had has nothing to do with how old you are." Everyone deserves to feel special on her birthday, and You Deserve a Happy Birthday is one gift that is guaranteed to make the recipient feel loved and appreciated. 

About the Author

You Deserve a Merry Christmas and You Deserve a Happy Birthday are the first books by author-illustrator Jenna DeAngeles, but she is no stranger to publishing success---she's also the paintbrush and pen behind a popular line greeting cards, calendars, decorative pillows, and other gift products. She lives in Brentwood, Calif., with her husband and son, Nicholas.

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