The Last Editor

How I Saved the New York Times the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times from Dullness and Compl

The Last Editor is the memoir of Jim Bellows, the editor whose David-and-Goliath battles changed the face of the newspaper business. Bellows struggled to save major competitors of America’s three most powerful newspapers: the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times. In doing so, he developed major talent from rough cuts and brought a new generation of writers to the mainstream press.

The Last Editor is a unique memoir of a man who loved a fight–highlighted with commentary from his colleagues in letters and sidebars from the biggest names in media. Sidebars from Wolfe, Ben Bradlee, Art Buchwald, Katherine Graham, Mary McGrory, William Safire, just to name a few, and 16 pages of black-and-white photos, provide behind-the-scenes insights to the triumphs and controversies of the man who shaped the industry.

About the Author

 During his career at the New York Herald Tribune, the Washington Star, and the Los Angeles Herald Examiner, Bellows challenged such major competitors as the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times.

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