Feline Felons
Caught in the Act
By Debbie Keller, Ariel Books
Author Debbie Keller knows a bad kitty when she sees one. Her uncompromisingly funny book pairs candid photos of cats caught in the act with clever descriptions of their crimes. Even the occasional, “Is this the face of a cat who would toss a guinea pig out a window?” protestation crops up, too. This cat patrol blotter of feline crimes includes reports such as:
Prowler-A midnight prowler was reported in the vicinity of garbage cans on trash day. Police artists have released this composite silhouette: Suspect is a middle-aged male, brown hair, yellow eyes, stocky build, 91/2 inches tall. Answers to the name of “Here Kitty” or the sound of an opening can.
Adorable kitty cats do more than sleep in the sun. They’re resting up after a night of no good . . . and Feline Felons has “Just the facts, ma’am.”
Details & Purchase
- Price: $9.95
- Dimensions: 6.4 x 6.2
- ISBN: 9780740757266
- Publish Date: 3/1/2006
- Pages: 64