Prickly City: Buy This Book or the Desert Hamsters Win! (PagePerfect NOOK Book)

A small town in the American Southwest… everything in the desert is designed to prick you, wound you, or eat you. What better metaphor for 21st century Earth? Prickly City is a comic strip about the friendship between Winslow, a coyote pup, and Carmen, a straight and narrow kind of kid. Prickly City offers a…

Prickly City: Fifty Shades of Politics (PagePerfect NOOK Book)

A small town in the American Southwest… everything in the desert is designed to prick you, wound you or eat you. What better metaphor for 21st century Earth? Prickly City is a comic strip about the friendship between Winslow, a coyote pup, and Carmen, a straight and narrow kind of kid. Prickly City offers a…

Inherit the Mirth: The New Testament (PagePerfect NOOK Book)

Inherit the Mirth is where faith meets funny. Showcased among its off-the-wall panels are well-known Bible personalities like Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, David and Goliath, Jesus, and the disciples. Playfully reverent, Inherit the Mirth petitions for an 11th Commandment: Thou shalt laugh! In this e-book original, the laughter centers on the New Testament.

Some Things I Still Can’t Tell You Audiobook

  Audible   Apple Books   Google Play   From Misha Collins, actor, longtime poet, and activist, whose massive online following calls itself his “Army For Good,” comes his debut poetry collection, Some Things I Still Can’t Tell You. Trademark wit and subtle vulnerability converge in each poem; this book is both a celebration…

The Tiny Warrior

Learn to look inward and find strength by learning to use your warrior spirit in this guide from D.J. Eagle Bear Vanas, star and host of the PBS special, Discovering Your Warrior Spirit. Why seek outside answers when you already possess the resources and power you need? In a world moving faster than ever, the challenge to…

If Anything Happens I Love You eBook

We feel so strongly in the power of this book to start an important conversation that we’re offering it free through October 26, 2022. To learn more, watch this video from our President and Publisher, Kirsty Melville. “Heavy pain exquisitely rendered.” Kirkus Starred Review. Based on the Academy Award-winning animated short by the same name, If…