
Everyone understands that life is hard, but self-love and dedication will always be the key.

becoming. is a beautiful debut collection of poetry centering around themes of feminism, sexuality, race, and mental health. Renaada Williams’s 100+ poems are short, personal, emotional tributes to the things that make us different and a celebration of all the things that make us the same. A journey through life, love, and loss, becoming. reminds the reader that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

About the Author

Born and raised in Queens, NY, Renaada Williams is a bestselling author of poetry and self-help non-fiction. Williams has been writing since she picked up her first pen and through her books she seeks to enlighten others while helping bandage their emotional wounds. Enthused about the many facets of creativity, she spends her free time honing multiple skills as an innovatrix. She hopes to continue exploring expression and the art of healing through poetry for years to come.

Stay connected with Renaada Williams on all social media platforms @renaadawilliams

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