Steve Axford

Internationally renowned nature photographer Stephen Axford is a master of macro fungus photography and an expert in time-lapse photography of fungus growth. Captivating viewers and scientists around the world with their beauty and scientific accuracy, his images have appeared in numerous publications, including National Geographic (Spain/Portugal), GEO magazine (Germany), Roots magazine (the Netherlands), the 2014 International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species™, the Australian Conservation Foundation 2016 calendar, the Observer (UK), the Daily Mail (UK), Civilization magazine (China), and Sciences et Avenir (France). His photographs are featured in the illustrated edition of the New York Times bestseller Entangled Life—How Fungi Make Our Worlds by Merlin Sheldrake. His entrancing time-lapse images are featured in BBC One’s Planet Earth II blue chip series from the BBC's Natural History Unit, Fantastic Fungi, "The Kingdom: How Fungi Made Our World" (an episode in The Nature of Things), and the IMAX documentary FUNGI: Web of Life.

Axford has shared the science of fungi and his experiences photographing these fascinating organisms to packed houses in Australia, China, India, and Chile. He currently collaborates with international universities and fungus organizations to photograph and document fungi in forests around the world.

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