Salte en la Primavera

Inquisitive toddlers can learn about spring and playful baby animals in this illustrated e-book.

Take a flying leap into spring with Hop, Pop, and Play. Flowers are blooming, and spring is in the air. This beautifully illustrated e-book introduces youngsters to baby critters, including playful bunnies, fuzzy chicks, and more. Hop, Pop, and Play is a simple story that will bring farm animals to life and give every young child a good first impression of reading.

Niños curiosos pueden aprender sobre de la primavera y animales juguetones en este libro electrónico colorído.

¡Tome un salto de vuelo en la primavera con Salte en la Primavera! Las flores están floreciendo, y la primavera está en el aire. Este eBook bellamente ilustrado introduce a los jóvenes a criaturas bebé, incluyendo conejitos juguetones, polluelos difusos, y más. Salte en la Primavera es una historia simple que traerá animales de la granja a la vida y dar a cada niño una primera impresión bueno de la lectura.

About the Author

Andrews McMeel Publishing is a leading publisher of comics and humor, cookbooks, gift, puzzles and games, and children’s books. AMP has a passion for publishing original talent, delighting consumers with innovative books and gifts that are worth sharing. It is also the nation’s top calendar publisher, producing calendars based on many top-selling properties and selling more than 15 million calendars each year.

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