Pocket Posh Quick Thinking

50 Brain-Training Puzzles

 If you want to boost your brain’s performance and learn how to think clearly and effectively in any situation, read this book and tackle these puzzles.

 Are you good in a crisis? Responding well to unexpected developments is a skill we all can learn. Like a friend in need, this simple-to-use guide can help you out of a tight spot. It provides tips on how to stay calm under pressure and how to manage competing demands on your time. After explaining how a typical brain works under pressure, the book demonstrates simple techniques for helping yourself cope in a crisis. It gives practical guidance on how to find creative but workable solutions to seemingly insoluble problems and how to plot your way back to calm waters by working out a series of small, achievable goals.

 This portable package is part of a best-selling series featuring highly stylized, embellished covers and boasting 5 million copies in print. A free trial subscription to The Puzzle Society adds extra value.

About the Author

 The Puzzle Society is the Web's premier source for challenging, professionally constructed puzzles and games. Updated daily and boasting a gaming archive of more than 8,000 puzzles, The Puzzle Society offers more than 70 nationally syndicated puzzles, including the Washington Post Crossword, Los Angeles Times Crossword, Universal Crossword, Universal Jigsaw, and Daily Jumble.

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